Objections to taking online bookings; what’s yours?

If you don’t already take online bookings for your self-catering accommodation, you probably made that decision after much consideration. However, times change – and whilst the reason you may have dismissed it originally might have seemed reasonable enough a few years back; now could be a good time to reconsider. Here’s why:

1. “I don’t have the time”

clydeyWith SuperControl you can be up and running quickly depending on how many properties you have, how much information you need to input and how much time you can commit. Once you’ve added your properties, start days, durations and prices it is a simple cut and paste job for your developer to add the availability calendar to your website. Don’t forget, a little time invested now can save you oodles in the future, as Jaqcui and Dewi from Clydey Cottages explain in this short video clip.

2. “I don’t need it, I get enough bookings without it”

Over 60% of people prefer to book online¹; if you think you are doing OK now just imagine how many more bookings you could be taking! Providing online booking as an additional way to book doesn’t take away from what you are already doing; by giving them more choices you are simply making the potential guest’s experience even better.

3. “I don’t want to lose the personal touch, I like to speak to people”

You still can. With SuperControl all bookings are provisional until you confirm them. If you want to give them a call and speak to your guests first before confirming, that’s up to you. Samantha Gray from Middle Farm Cottages sums it up perfectly,

You keep the personal touch by making sure you have it with visitors after they have made the booking – make a phone call, send a welcome email and then a receipt on headed paper. It’s from me so it’s still personal. You don’t have to lose the personal touch because you take online bookings; you just offer your visitors more convenient options of how to book.”

4. “I don’t trust computers; I’m not comfortable using them”

GodremamogWith an average uptime of 99.97%, SuperControl is one of the most reliable online booking systems around; database backups are taken every 4 hours and stored securely. The set-up process is made as easy as possible; we’re here to help you every step of the way. You get a start-up guide, access to training videos, and you can get in touch with our friendly support team by phone or email. Don’t take our word for it though, click to hear what Chris from Godremamog Water Mill has to say.

5. “I need to update my website first”

Why not kill two birds with one stone and launch your new website with the facility to book online.  This is the perfect time to get your online booking system set up. Whilst your developer is building your brand spanking new website, you can get to know your way around the system; learn about the time-saving features and get it all ready to go.

6. “We want to get a payment processor set up first”

That can take time. As above, whilst you are waiting you can get your SuperControl account set up and ready to go. Once you start using SuperControl you can even sign up with Holiday Rent Payment via your account, making it a whole lot easier to get set up. Remember you get your first 3 weeks with us for free, so you won’t be losing out.

If we’ve missed your reason out – let us know in the comments below. It’s really important to us that we understand not only our customers, but also those of you that are yet to come on board. Give us the chance to answer your concerns.

To find out how SuperControl can work for you, try a free 30-day trial. To discuss further call us on +44 (0)1556 506 701.

¹Source: The average proportion of online bookings received by owners using SuperControl.